Our podcast series: The Banker’s Plumber – Lessons Learned.
Your host is Olaf Ransome who draws on 30 years building stuff and fixing complicated problems for banks and ensuring the problems don’t spring up again. This is a career that has taken him from London to New York, Zurich, Johannesburg, Moscow, Stockholm, the Middle East and back.
“Lessons Learned” is a term from days past at Goldman Sachs, where long before the term Operational Risk or OpRisk was coined, we set up a process to help us examine the things that went wrong, or were near misses and to get the whole organisation to learn something so we didn’t get the same thing wrong again.
In this podcast series, you’ll hear stories that tap into issues past and present. Both lessons to learn and a few good tales, which we hope will brighten your day, whether you are in banking or not. Olaf will be talking to folks from his network and getting their views on key things about processes new and old in banking. And, he’ll be giving you my views on key issues for folks in banking. In an early episode, he’ll be taking a look at the collapse of Wirecard, the German payments processor.