This year has seen a few banking fiascos. TSB had a multi-day outage during a migration, VISA lost connectivity for an extended period and the good burghers of Deutsche Bank managed to let a single payment out that was greater than the value of the firm.
What are the implications of the regulators looking at errors? Beyond the headlines, the pain is likely to be severe and long-term. Why? OpRisk and Basel Pillar 2.
Historically, OpRisk has been quite significant; 10% of all risk capital vs, 5% for market risk and 85% for credit risk.
Pillar 2 is very tricky piece of the puzzle. It is subjective and imposed until proven otherwise. Those involved in the fiascos are on a hiding to nothing. If I was the regulator I would be asking whether there was an adequate procedure and it was not followed or whether the procedure was adequate.
In the case, of TSB, was there enough testing, was there a Plan B, or a roll-back allowed for? In the case of VISA, what happened to back-up systems? In the case of DB, why did such a large payment not get stopped during the approval process. Or was the process inadequate?
Lessons to be Learned
Either way, the end result should be the same. More temporary capital required for OpRisk unless and until the errant institutions can demonstrate improvement.
As anybody who has been in a bank for more than 5 minutes will tell you, there is ‘owt so permanent as a temporary solution.
That is why Operational Process is worth paying attention too. Having your Banker’s Plumber identify and fix the leaks is worth a lot more than you might think. Every $1B in capital will cost between $5mm and $15mm per year. Even at the low end, $5mm is the equivalent of 100 offshore staff.
Back to basics.
About the Author: The Bankers’ Plumber. I help banks and FinTechs master their processing; optimising control, capacity and cost.
If it exists and is not working, I analyse it, design optimised processes and guide the work to get to optimal. If there is a new product or business, I work to identify the target operating model and design the business architecture to deliver those optimal processes and the customer experience.
I am an expert-generalist in FS matters. I understand the full front-to-back and end-to-end impact of what we do in banks. That allows me to build the best processes for my clients; ones that deliver on the three key dimensions of Operations: control, capacity and cost.
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Control in banks. How to do operations properly.
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Cash & Liquidity Management
An up to date view of the latest issues and how BCBS guidance that came into force from Jan 1 2015 will affect this area of banking. Kindle and hard copy.
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